Sunday, December 7, 2014

causes civil war mastery

Causes of the Civil War

    In 1852, Harriett Beecher Stowe published a novel called Uncle Tom's Cabin. This is an anti-slavery novel written to get others of the south to realize how horrible slavery is. Slavery is said to be one of the main reasons that the Civil War came to be. Other reasoning has been surpassed in many writings of texts to avoid offending of cultures. People all over the US had different opinions on slavery. Even slaves themselves took advantage of sharing their opinions when given the chance. 

    In a specific case, the Dred Scott Decision, he was given his opportunity to voice his opinions. The court could have just decided that since he was not a citizen of the United States that he was not aloud to be represented in court. They went along with it anyway. His case was this: Dred Scott sued for the freedom of his wife and kids. They belonged to a slave owner who had once lived in the South and moved North taking his "belongings" with him. 

    The court declared the slave owner innocent. Many citizens of the North, especially republicans, came to realize that there were no actual "free states". Any slave owner from anywhere is allowed to move and take slave with him. This was even accepted in the Northern States because slaves are technically someone's possessions. The government can not take away something that belongs to a human and citizen of their country. This leads to the wanted secession of the south. By the time Abraham Lincoln took office, already seven stated had divided from the union. These states adopted to nomenclature of the Confederate States of America.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

American Renaissance

American Renaissance 

    In the time that is today called the American Renaissance, a new form of art, music, and in a sense, culture is established. The way of art changed in that in addition to painting people or objects, landscape was also painted or drawn at this time. Those who painted or drew landscape called themselves the Hudson River School. This so called "school" was influenced by romanticism. This was a movement in the late 18 century that was a peak for most areas of the United States. Some say that this was a result of the Industrial Revolution.
     Transcendentalists, which were those who sought to better america, took a big role during this time period. Among the transcendentalists were William Lloyd Garrison, Frederick Douglas, and Harriet Beecher Stowe.

Monday, November 3, 2014

War of 1812

What would today we like if we had not won the War of 1812?

    Americans believed they got the victory of the War of 1812. They destroyed the last few ties between themselves and the British. The Indians knew how much of a loss they had. They continued to lose more and more land to the new settlers. They hoped that the English would win so that expansion towards the west would cease. This meant they sided with Great Britain. For the British, the loss of this war was no big deal. The year of 1812 was the year that Napoleon marched into Russia. This meant that the war against us was just something on the side that they weren't even worried about.
    If Britain HAD won the War of 1812, where would we be today? Would America still have independence, or would it be controlled by the British? The United States may still be fighting the British if it weren't for winning the War of 1812. It wouldn't possess the entire Western portion of the US that we have today. The current citizens of the US would be deprived of knowing what great things that have made America the great country that it is today.
Reality is that with the persistence that the Americans possessed, they would not give in. They would continue on a pursuit for their complete freedom from Great Britain like they already had been. The war may not have been declared over. It may have gone on for several more years to come until the British gave them what they wanted, complete severance.