Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Why did the US attack Cuba?

Why Did the US Attack Cuba?

The reasoning for an attack on Cuba is stated in the article, March of the Flag, by Albert J. Beveridge. This states that the Americans attacked for Imperialistic reasons. They wanted to be seen by others as a great nation. Evidence in the article is: "If England can govern foreign lands, so can America!" I believe this to be one of the reasons for the claining of Cuba because America wanted to be the largest, strongest, and most dominionative nation in the world.

We another reason for the attack was that we felt it was necessary to free the Cubans from the Spanish. The article Reconcentration Camps, by Fitshugh Lee, states: "For a hundred and sixty men were thrown to the ground like animals."The last possible proposal for the attack on Cuba would have been the avenge the fallen ship and sailors of The Maine. The US would have attacked to get back at spain for sinking one of their ships. The Maine was being sent into Cuba, and was blown up by a mysterious explosion. The Americans took it to be a Spanish mine, and blamed them immediately for them blowing up our ship intentionally.

The most valid reason for the Americans to attack Cuba was to save them from the Spaniards. It was a very selfless act in that they went into Cuba, forced the Spanish out, and let Cuba become their own nation. The Americans didn't ask for anything in return (to our knowledge). Now, this made the Americans look very good. This may be a reason to make this theory up. Americans are stealing, lying, cheaters, and this seemed like an easy time to get ahead and tell all the other nations what great people they are by saving a helpless country.